25 April 2011

Friendster makeover

It is our main social network back then, sharing moments and finding long lost friends from high school even in elementary, but as years pass and Mark Zuckerberg birthed Facebook, it overshadowed our fave Friendster.

Shoutout became Status Message, it is much easier to see your friends updates since it automatically appears on your wall and most of all the numbers of applications and games readily available to each member.  Friendster became an ancient thing with Facebook's latest social networking innovations, even though it tries to catch up with the latest  thing, it seems to lose its spark.

And now Frienster will try to do some drastic changes where "We are introducing a new and improved Friendster site in the coming weeks" - Friendster. I really hope it will equal what Facebook has done since they will permanently remove existing network functions "This includes your existing account profile, photos, messages, blogs, and shoutouts. However, your list of friends will be preserved, along with your basic profile information."

But nothing to panic, especially to someone like me who keeps hundreds of photos on the network, Friendster offer number of ways to save those photos by downloading the whole profile, exporting pictures on their third party sites like Flickr or Multiply and blog through Wordpress or Blogger.

To know more about downloading and Exporting of your precious memoirs visit this site Friendster Exporter


iva on May 1, 2011 at 9:23 AM said...

friendster's developers are lucky cause at least, a company bought it. i deleted my account years back, but i remember how I found my childhood friends and classmates from friendster. :)

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