Being a first time mom I always thought having a baby is no joke and I prove myself correct, even though I stock-up bags and bottles of clothing, alcohol, diapers, etectera etcetera still I missed to consider a lot and that includes sleepless nights.
As our oldies say it was normal for a baby to cry a lot at night and I doubt it, but then who I am to contradict them and so everynight MIL would wrap him up in full with cap and to top it all with bigkis (baby binder, use more like a belt and belly-button protection) plus "manzanilla' (oil-base chamomile) to prevent colic. From then up to 5 am he would give me this face.
But not until we meet our pedia who told us not wrap him too much since it was not that cold in Manila and that manzanilla maybe the cause of his discomfort. That afternoon we tried to do what the doctors advice, warm sponge bath, less clothing and no manzanilla and it works Yipeee!
As months pass we discover more things to lessen his fussing and so first time moms try my lucky 8 tips for your angels heavenly night, solely based on my experience, it might work for you too.
1.Before it strikes 6 pm, give infant a warm sponge bath or a half warm bath for babies who starts to crawl and walk specially during summer.
2. If you live in a tropical country like ours specifically Manila area please don't wrap babies to much. They are cold if their hands, feet, nose, ears and tummy feels cold.
3. For colic lie them on your lap in his stomach and a little patting on the back to release the gas. For more calming effect have some oil base eucalyptus or manzanilla, but please dont apply directly on baby's skin it will irritate them more, just put a few drops on their cloths or something near to them where they can smell it. Its calming effect is on the aroma.
4. Do check their nappies, sometimes diaper rash or the diaper itself irritates them. Opt for lampin (cloth diaper) for few hours, dust some cornstarch powder on their back and diapers area for added comfort.
5. They love a lot of cuddling, touch and kisses, plus do mix some hush lullaby for angelic sleep.6. TV and lights off please, specially for toddlers it will make them realize that dark = night = sleep time.
7. Train them to sleep on their own, from sleeping on your chest, to huddling on his father's armpit to just sleeping by himself and with Pekto (name of his stuffed toy). This will slowly give you back the late night news habit you had before hee hee!
8. Do say a goodnight prayer to Papa Jesus with them. This will serve as their first lesson for gratitude and as for you add this "So help me God, to put this child to sleep".Have a good night sleep! Sweet Dreams!
Sleep is one of the most important factors in releasing growth hormones, most especially for very young babies.While your baby sleeps, her little body produces 3x more growth hormones.
The good news is there is a way to promote better sleep for your baby: through a consistent nightly bedtime routine.
Learn more about the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine, clinically proven to stretch your baby´s sleep by as much as 23%.
In addition to the JOHNSON´S® Baby Bedtime Routine and products, there are countless other ways you can help your baby fall asleep and even share bonding moments in the process!